
Dr Michael Wong

Medical Director & Senior Consultant Urologist FAMS (Urology), FICS (USA), FRCS (Edinburgh), M Med (Surgery), MBBS (Singapore)

Global Leadership
Award 2018
Dr Michael Wong

Dr Michael Wong is a US Fellowship Trained Urologist and the current Associate Editor at the British Journal Urology International. He is also the Medical Director at The Urology, Fertility & Gynaecology Centre at Mount Elizabeth, Singapore.

Prior to this appointment, he was Director of Urology Centre at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Medical Director of SGH Specialist Practice at Gleneagles Hospital, Director of Endourology and Director of Female Urology at SGH Urology Centre. For the most part, he was at SGH which is the largest academic urology department in Singapore for nearly 22 years.

Dr Wong completed 3 USA-based post-graduate programmes:

  • Fellowship in Endourology & Urolithiasis with Dr Jim Lingeman (1994)
  • Fellowship in Female Urology with Dr Peter Knapp (1995)
  • Mini-Residency Program in Robotic Urology in University of California Irvine (2004)

Dr Wong has established an international standing with the following global positions:

  • Associate Editor of British Journal of Urology International (2013 to Present)
  • Executive Committee and Group Treasurer, Urological Association of Asia (2018 to 2022)
  • Deputy Director and/or Consultant of Asian School of Urology (2015 to Present)
  • Board Director of US-based Society of Endourology (2005 to 2009)
  • Co-Chairman WHO 2nd International Consultation on Urolithiasis in Paris • Member of the International Scientific Committee of World Congress of Endourology (For the most part, 2001 to 2009)
  • Editorial Member (Awards) of the Journal of Endourology, USA (2001 to 2009) (2012 to 2016)
  • Editorial International Board Member of the International Journal of Urology (2009 to 2013)
  • Founding President of Asian Society of Endourology (1998 to 2008)
  • Founding Secretary-General of Asian Society of Female Urology (1998 to 2004)
  • President of Singapore Urological Association (2009 to 2012)

Michael is internationally recognised by his peers and received several global awards:

  1. American National Award for Global Leadership in Urology 2018
    Michael was given the American Urological Association 2018 Global Leadership Award during her Annual Scientific Congress held in San Francisco on 19th May 2018. He is one of the three worldwide recipients of this award.
  2. Hamburg Lecture 2018
    Michael was invited to join Asklepios University Hospital Urological Department in Hamburg, Germany, in August 2018 to deliver a lecture and participate in department proceedings.
  3. Thailand Annual National Urology Lecture 2017
    Michael was given the honour of delivering the Phaitun Gojaseni Lecture in April 2017 during the National Thailand Urology Congress in Phuket, Thailand.
  4. Indian Annual National Urology Lecture 2016
    Michael was selected to deliver the Jayaramdas Patel Oration in January 2016 during the National Indian Urology Congress in Hyderabad
  5. Singapore Urological Association National Lecture 2017
    Michael was given the honour to deliver the SUA lecture for 2017 during the annual dinner in recognition of his urological achievement

The International Urology, Fertility & Gynaecology Centre is an
established clinic providing specialised care in male infertility,
from a detailed diagnosis to effective treatment.

We care deeply about our patients and love to watch their families grow.

3 Mount Elizabeth Road, #10-09,
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510
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