Male Factors Contribute to
60% of all
Infertile Couples

Experienced Urologist with
Specialized Expertise in Male Infertility

Did you know that male infertility factors present in over half of all infertile couples?

This is why it has never been more important for the man to be assessed too when a couple is struggling to conceive. Dr Michael Wong is a urologist of international standing with specialized expertise in male infertility, and he has noted a four-fold increase in male infertility at his practice over the past few years!

Fortunately, around 70% of conditions resulting in male infertility can be treated and 25% of all cases can be prevented.

Our Credentials in Male Infertility Treatment

Established | Specialised | Effective

55 Years’
of combined clinical expertise in fertility treatment

Performing Fertility
related Microsurgeries every working week, we are likely one of the busiest fertility team in Singapore.

Unique Combination
of both a Urologist and IVF certified Gynaecologist working in tandem to perform a comprehensive work-up and achieve the optimal results.

At our male infertility clinic, you can rest assured that you will receive dedicated care and specialist support as you journey through your treatment with us.

Our Male Infertility
Clinic's Values


Dr Michael Wong, an internationally recognised urologist with over 30 years’ experience treating male infertility, will work closely with you to identify and treat the root cause of infertility effectively.


As an established and accredited urology and fertility practice, you can rest assured that we utilise only safe, advanced and evidence-based treatments as our patients’ welfare is our highest priority.


While Dr Michael Wong is a urologist specialising in male infertility, he works in collaboration with his eminent colleague, Dr Julianah Abu, a IVF certified Gynaecologist who also has a Masters in Embryology. This ensures that couples can receive high quality fertility care at the same time, under the same roof.

The first step in this journey is to identify the cause of infertility. Our male infertility clinic is experienced in doing just that, so that we may customise an effective treatment plan for you.

There is Hope!

Fortunately, there are numerous treatments for male infertility today.

Some male infertility factors may require just lifestyle changes to manage, while others may require medications or even minor surgical procedures.

In men who have irreparably low sperm counts or sperm quality, assisted reproduction technologies may have to be considered, which our clinic provides as well.

Dr Michael Wong

Medical Director & Senior Consultant Urologist
FAMS (Urology), FICS (USA), FRCS (Edinburgh), M Med (Surgery), MBBS (Singapore)

With over 30 years of experience, Dr Michael Wong is a reputable urologist of international standing who is particularly passionate about treating male infertility.

Dr Wong is the current Associate Editor at the prestigious British Journal of Urology International and former Director at Singapore General Hospital’s Urology Centre as well as former President of the Singapore Urological Association.

Global Leadership
Award 2018

The International Urology, Fertility & Gynaecology Centre is an
established clinic providing specialised care in male infertility,
from a detailed diagnosis to effective treatment.

We care deeply about our patients and love to watch their families grow.

3 Mount Elizabeth Road, #10-09,
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510
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